Just a little walk down memory lane...
Singapore started out as a humble fishing village with little developments and infrastructure. Our forefathers slayed to build up Singapore and Singapore's major source of revenue soon came from trading.
Sinagpore was once part of the Malaysian Federation but separated two years later. Singapore then became indepentdent in 1965 and subsequently became one of the world's most prosperous countries with strong international trading links. Singapore's port is one of the busiest in the world.
Since independence, Singapore's economy has grown by an average of nine percent each year. By the 1990s, the country has become one of the world's most prosperous nations, with a highly-developed free market economy, strong international trading links, and the highest per capita gross domestic product in Asia outside of Japan.
As Singapore progressed, she slowly moved away from manufacturing and trading to tourism. The Singapore government knew that it would be a profitable investment and slowly developed Singapore as a tourism hub it is today.
"Uniquely Singapore" is the branding of Singapore's tourism to promote her as a tourism hub. Tourism is now a majot source of revenue to Singapore and is constantly being developed to ensure that it keeps up with the global market and remain competitive.
Labels: history of sg

1:33 PM